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Process Technology Template

The JUMO Process Technology Template as a basis of the visualization is supplied together with the smartWARE Program. The user interface of the solution can be customized as required and is intuitive to use.

The JUMO smartWARE Program is a browser-based software and therefore cannot be operated on the JUMO variTRON500 Touch. Instead, this software can be operated via a browser on a PC, laptop or tablet that is connected to the JUMO variTRON500 Touch.

Here you will get more details about defining the network connection for accessing the smartWARE program

Here you will get more details about manage colors of the program generator visualization

Here you will get more details about activating the program start confirmation dialog

Here you will get more details about activating the program end message

Here you will get more details about configure the program continuation dialog

Here you will get more details about activating the program validation messages

Here you will get more details about manage the visibility of the Process Technology overview screen

Here you will get more details about using the application texts

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